Cooperating with Diet House

Diet House is the first healthy fast food restaurant in Egypt.

The idea is that it is the first place that works to prepare fast foods that many of us love, and rely on in their daily livesm in a healthy way, and this is because fast food is usually very unhealthy and full of saturated fats that have great damage to the body.

Diet House prepares such meals, with the same beloved taste, but in a healthy way, and composed of completely healthy materials, so that a person can rely on it in his daily life, but without disturbing the diet and without feeling that the person is eating diet food.

A collaboration was made between Cord Digital and Diet House in the work of creating the marketing plan, slogans creations with effective marketing msgs, social media, and graphics, such as the implementation of restaurant's menus and outdoor banners, in addition to the design of videos and photography, Our company was responsible for the pages of the social media for Diet House and the results were very strong and impressive, as the social media team of Cord Digital accomplished all works in a professional way and widespread the brand name in Egypt effectively and increase the awareness of eating fast food but in a healthy way and components and this concept was one of the main issued we focused. 

We have enjoyed the time we spent with Diet House.