
Google can announce VR headset completely independent of other handsets

No matter how good a design and good quality, the Daydream glasses, followed the models of Samsung Gear VR, depending on a smartphone to work. The Variety publication says that Google is gearing up to announce a new device that should not need other machines to allow you to immerse yourself in virtual reality.

Mountain View has reportedly been working on the device for more than a year, ensuring that it not only can deliver excellent VR experience without the need for a cell phone or PC, but also an interesting technology.

The highlight of the novelty would be a function called "inside-out tracking". The novelty would allow the device to be able to monitor the movement of the user by the real environment where it is without needing separate sensors.

Other big names in technology are also pursuing their projects to come out ahead of the VR race. Last year, Facebook announced that through Oculus, it was working on own headset independent of other handsets and with the same type of tracking system.

HTC, Acer, and HP are also invested in similar products, while Microsoft's HoloLens already offers something similar to mixed reality.

Intel may launch i9 processor with 12 cores

It's been a good few years since Intel's "i" line began to circulate in the market, most notably the latest and latest generation, Kirby Lake. However, rumours
suggest that the company will take a step further by putting a product on the market that may be unexpected for many people: the I9, which can have up to 12 cores and absurdly high power.

According to AnandTech leaks, the most powerful version of the i9 will be stupidly strong with 12 cores and 140W power consumption, something that can give it the title of champion CPUs. The clock of the supposed processor was not revealed, But the "simpler" versions will have the power of 3.3 GHz and can reach up to 4.5 GHz with Turbo Boost 3.0 mode.

There is no price preview, but the rumour is valid, expect a very expensive product. The i7 processors are already expensive, and logic goes that the i9 will be even heavier without a purse, even exceeding a $ 1,000 home, not including any tax on the account.

The rumour appears from time to time, and a new image, which appeared on the AnandTech website forums, taken from a German slide show, shows that Intel is about to introduce a new level to its Core processors.

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Listen to music and ride a bike safely? SlimBuds to help you

The dream of many motorcyclists is to be able to listen to their songs while travelling on the roads or riding the streets of the city. But failing to hear the sounds in traffic decreases safety and most headphones are impractical or comfortable for those who wear headgear. The SlimBuds project promises to solve this problem.

Created by Philadelphia's EAOS, the gadgets are designed to fit comfortably underneath helmets and also include cyclists and extreme sports enthusiasts. In addition to a design that does not slip from the ear, it comes with functions of communication and alerts with the movement in the surroundings.

EAOS has listed some of its key SlimBuds features:

Design: The headphones, made from silicone, have size and design that fit well into the ear under the helmet and come with a built-in microphone on a base that rests on the chin. gadgets reduce wind noise, which is harmful to health from 65 km / h.

Communication and security: the base is called "Chin Mic", has two integrated microphones. that some noise is identified as crucial (such as horns or sirens), they are immediately sent to the ear as a traffic alert. The same software can send geolocation messages in case of emergencies and allows you to make calls to your contacts.

Battery: Manufacturers ensure that headphones can be used for 6 hours in a row and recharging can be done from a standard micro USB port.

The basic version of the accessory costs $ 99 and the set exists for $ 169.

MIT portable translator creates Braille texts in real-time

A group of six engineering students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has created a portable device that acts as a real-time translator for Braille, known as Tactile.

Although students have already been able to create a functional version of the device, a new, more complete model is already being developed by them. One of the advantages of the device is that it can cost only $ 200, while existing solutions already sell for more than $ 2,000.

Currently, the camera only takes a photo of the field of vision, explains Chandani Doshi, one of the members responsible for the device.

To make the gadget more complete, the team has $ 10,000 earned through the Lemelson-MIT Student Prizes Awards of 2017. The commercial version of Tactile is expected to hit stores within two years, allowing any book Accessible to people who depend on Braille for information and study.