
Ranking your business website in the top search results of Google helps you to attract new potential targeted customers to your business. So, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is considered the best way among different digital marketing ways to attract new customers.

The importance of SEO for websites

Google works on keeping up with technology development to connect new techniques with search results.

For instance; Google was working very hard in the last period to update content that is related to mobile phones. Most companies failed to keep their place in SEO ranking because the website is not appropriate to show up on mobile phones.

We will discuss the most significant challenges for SEO.

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1- Unguaranteed conversion rates

You don’t own the search engine to guarantee appearance all the time. Google always changes its algorithms to rearrange website ranking. If you couldn’t keep up with these changes, you will lose your place.

Companies that have an unprofessional SEO team can’t be faced with these updates.

You should either depend on specialized digital marketing agency or hire an SEO specialist.

2- End of search words era:

Search words were and still the basis for any SEO strategy. Companies used tools to find out the most searched words and the competitive ones, and then they put it as many times as possible in the website content. Despite the importance of on-page SEO, but keywords are the new alternative of search words now.

Keywords are google predictions for user searches. Therefore, no search words are added to SEO techniques anymore.

So, Companies should change their website strategy to cope up with SEO changes and here are some tips:

- Focusing on replying to mobile users’ comments instead of just putting so many keywords.

- Adding value to content like maps, reviews, and contact info.

- Create valuable content that is straight to the point.

3- Disadvantages of backlinks:

Backlinks are no longer that important, as they had a crucial role to get more visits to specific platforms and other websites. But today interaction is a way more important to active those backlinks. It’s important to be active on social media platforms to use backlinks effectively.

4- Reset your website to fit mobile phone users:

Desktop internet users’ rates go down while mobile phone users are at the top of internet usage.

You should change your website to fit mobile users you have no other choices.

These are the most significant challenges which face website configuration to fit with smartphones;

- Know the difference between long and short content. Long content is relevant for the website itself while the short one suits mobile phone users.

- Understanding mobile users' preferences like the preferred content type that could grab his attention to interact with it.

5- Solve expected problems:

It's a hard challenge to deal with the expected difficulties like predicting the next updates and proceed according to them before occurrence because waiting for updated to take place could let your website down.

All of these challenges need specialists to solve and set a website up to cope up with SEO all-time changes whether by dealing with a digital marketing agency or hire someone expert in SEO.

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