
How to be a web designer?

Anyone works in IT services should not consider himself as an employee. Design requires creativity and hard work of thinking out of the box, not just a full-time job.

Away from the company environment, you work in, You’re not just another employee.

Three years ago, Web designers were responsible for designing, coding, and building the whole website as you see in pictures.

Before we know the difference, first  we should know the difference between:

UX: User Experience.

UI: User Interface.

Read this topic first;

1- UX Designer

 He is responsible for designing user experience in the website, sketching, prototyping, visual designing, content writing.

Some references that might help:

2- UI Designer

He has the same responsibilities as a UX Designer but he doesn’t know information about coding, he is just a designer for websites and mobile applications and specialized in professional design.

Some Examples:

3- UI Developer

He is responsible for 90-100% of HTML-CSS.

UI Developers usually use the ready Jquery +60% to edit.

Technology radical changes develop this position role.

Read these articles:

Responsive Design: It’s the design that resizes itself according to screen size.

4- Front-End Developer

He is responsible for coding especially HTML5 without need to design programs, and he knows about HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, Ajax.

He is also aware of source control like SVN, and GIT.

He is more specialized than UI developers.

To sum up:

1- If you choose to work in one of this position, don't treat yourself as an employee.

2- If you’re a graphic designer and seem to like UI Design, Try it and you’ll fall in love with it.

3- If you want to learn to code, you should know about UI Developers first. It’s the first step that determines your success in coding.

4- Set a plan, manage your time, have a clear vision about your career.

5- It’s never too late, you can start right now.

6- Update your knowledge every time you get the chance to do.

Where to learn

Anything is available online. Use that advantage.

Google the word: Hello world HTML.

And read topics will appear and go deep in what you love the most.

References to start:

 Some video materials:

Read more about Top 10 Web Design topics