
Facebook shares plans and upcoming changes to give users more about what they want to see in their news feeds

 these changes will focus on 4 feedback-driven signals. Users also will be asked to provide feedback in different ways, after that feedback will be gathered which shows an expansion of something the company launched in 2019, called the “worth your time” surveys.

Surveys asked an individual post worth users time or not.

If users replied by “Yes,” facebook will rank content and make it appear more in their news feed, but If they said, “No” then that type of content will appear in the bottom.

Now let's take a look over the different approaches the company is taking to gather feedback.


4 Feedback Signals

Is This Post Considered To Be Inspirational?

Users like inspiring contents and want to see them in their news feed, so facebook is trying to run a couple of tests to survey people about inspirational posts to them.

Facebook will use users’ responses as an indicator to news feed ranking to show people more inspirational posts at the top of their News Feed.


Is This Post Considered To Be Interesting?

Facebook tries to show users more posts related to topics they’re interested in. To achieve this it will start asking people if they want to see more or less posts about a certain topic.

The feedback will help in content ranking in users’ news feed with interested topics to them which appears closer to the top.



Showing Less Of Some Posts

Facebook takes a different approach to know what kinds of posts users want to see less of by looking at engagement signals.

As an example, if a post generates angry reactions, Facebook may ask users about types of content they don’t like seeing in their news feed.


Hiding Posts

Users use to hide individual posts in their news feed, but it’s not obvious how to do it.

Facebook will start testing a new post design which helps in making posts hide more clear.

When users come to a post they don’t like to see again, they tap on the X which is found at the top right corner.


Ranking Signals Are Still Important

These 4 new feedback signals will be used with thousands of existing signals Facebook uses to rank posts in users’ news feeds.

Facebook gives importance to engagement signals when ranking posts, which includes likes, shares, comments, and reactions.

The company says the feedback plus engagement signals, will give a more complete picture of what users would like to see:

“While a post’s engagement — or how often people like it, comment on it, or share it — can be a helpful indicator that it’s interesting to people, this survey-driven approach, which largely occurs outside the immediate reaction to a post, gives a more complete picture of the types of posts people find most valuable and what kind of content detracts from their News Feed experience.”

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Source Search Engine Journal