Marketing-Mix -Is-Key-To-A-Successful-Marketing-Plan

The marketing mix is the key to a Successful Marketing Plan  | digital marketing companies in Egypt

The marketing process is building a profitable relationship between your organization and your customers by delivering value that satisfies customer’s needs.


This process consists of key factors that influence it to happen and those factors are the marketing mix and it kept in developing, the traditional marketing mix is the 4Ps and it stands for (Product – Price – Place – Promotion)

The product factor includes everything that is related to the product like the product design, quality, variety, benefits all of that with the greatest Digital Marketing company in Egypt 

The price factor is what your customer will pay when they buy your product or service, there are several pricing strategies that you should put in mind when you are entering your market because you should apply the strategies depending on a lot of things in the market and the industry.


Now let’s talk about the place “p”, the place refers to the availability of the product to customers, and here when e-commerce plays a significant role in the business place factor where the e-commerce increases the availability of your product to a whole new level.

Now the promotion is the most appeared one of these factors as it includes the advertising and sales promotions that will influence your customer to make their final decision in choosing your product rather than your competitors

Nowadays they added 2 other Ps to the 4 Ps and those are (process – people)


Let’s talk about the process factor since automated systems now don’t leave our life it’s now an important thing to use in our businesses to achieve our customer’s satisfaction

And about the people factor, this is hiring the right people to provide customer service to keep the relationship between you and your clients.

Theories about the number of Ps are a lot and keep developing however marketers are saying that the traditional 4 Ps are applicable for a perfect marketing mix.

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