
Twitter presents the Business Solutions platform

The initiative facilitates communication between brands and costumers. Among the possibilities are the optimization of corporate profiles, service in the private environment and use of automation.

Twitter has developed a platform to facilitate communication between brands and consumers: Twitter Business Solutions (TBS). Among TBS's functions are the optimization of corporate profiles, customer service also in the private environment and use for automation of messages ("bots") according to the business objective of each client.

In the profile of the brand on Twitter, it is possible to give the customer information about the company's business hours, have a button in focus to start a private conversation via Direct Message (DM), and get priority in the results of searches made on the platform. Brands can also, through geolocation, know which customers are close to their stores to offer promotions, for example.

Twitter offers advice on current TBS projects and the process of building an ecosystem of companies that will be responsible for developing the solutions for the brands from the platform, according to the business objectives of each one.

Budweiser plans to use TBS to impact users on NBA game days and allow them to order the frozen Budweiser through direct messages on Twitter. The delivery of the beer will be done in up to one hour. The request may be made by a beer delivery service app.


Virtual Reality and games have seen physical recovery tools

Entertainment-oriented technologies such as video games and virtual reality (VR) glasses can make rehab sessions more fun and effective, helping patients with motor limitations regain their autonomy, at least in part.

In a symposium titled "Virtual Reality and Neurofunctional Recovery", the Brain researcher Alexandre Brandão presented a set of VR software aimed at the motor and neurofunctional rehabilitation. The proposal is to make the technology more accessible in order to benefit patients in need of medium and long-term physical rehabilitation treatments, such as those suffering from a stroke.

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According to the researcher, conventional virtual reality (VR) software for smartphones takes the user through a pre-defined virtual tour. That is, you can direct the look to where you want to navigate, but there is no effective control over the virtual environment.

Already the programs developed for this area of rehabilitation, allow the user to advance within the virtual environment as he moves his legs to simulate steps, but without leaving the place.

The prototypes of robotic members and virtual reality (VR) in a more advanced stage of development are already being tested on patients through a collaboration with researchers from some universities.


Google creates a fashion-related tool

Google is one of the most commonly used tools for finding information and images. For this reason, the company has created a fashion-oriented function. Google has developed the "Ideas with Style", which presents real options on how to make fashion articles. The feature works alongside image search.

When a user searches for fashion products, the tool will present a set of information and styles that demonstrate how this product can be used on a day to day basis. When searching for clothing items, people will also have access to more suggestions through similar items option.

The fashion tool was created as a way to improve the user experience. That is, when someone searches for shorts, sneakers, caps, hats, and wallets will also have access to other products that may match your personal taste.

The way you know the value or availability of an item makes a search on the internet more useful, which is why Google has improved that.


90% of companies will use analytics by 2020

Advances in the implementation of Technology in Marketing show how much companies already care about working with intelligence.

The level of adoption of data analysis, for example, has increased by about 40% by global companies that already use data analysis across a number of business areas, according to a survey by Forrester. By the end of 2020, 90% of companies should use analytics to improve their strategies.

More than 500 IT companies and managers from 11 business sectors were analyzed in North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific. In all, 23% indicated that they will implement systems of insights by the end of 2017. Among the evaluated sectors are energy and public services, financial services and insurance, telecommunications, retail, government, and industry.

One of the conclusions related to the research is that they need goals and metrics in all data analysis initiatives since the research also showed that 44% of respondents perceive the increase in the variety of unstructured data types as a significant challenge, While 35% are concerned with traditional data practices and the lack of alignment between IT and business functions.

Trends in IT will transform society in the coming years

The speed with which new technologies are created and updated will directly impact people and industries in the coming years. The term "machine learning", for example, will be widely used with the upgrade that smartphones will acquire. In 2017, more than 300 million of these handsets will have aggregated machine learning capabilities, which is equivalent to more than 20% of all units sold worldwide this year, according to the 16th edition of the global Predictions in Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) study Predictions 2017) by Deloitte.

From this technology, a device "learns", registers and implements the navigation and use facilities from the analysis of the habits of its users.

Even with all this, learning machines according to users will not be limited only to smartphones. This type of machine use can be found in millions of devices, such as drones, tablets, cars, virtual or augmented reality devices, medical devices, internet devices and new technologies still unheard of.

Deloitte is aware that although the number of active devices equipped with fingerprint readers will probably exceed one billion units for the first time in these early months of 2017. Each active sensor tends to be used on average 30 times a day, 10 trillion aggregate uses globally throughout the year.

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