
A social media study from Pew Research Center in 2021 based on usage finds out US adults use YouTube more than any other social platform.


81% of US adults say they use YouTube, while Facebook takes second place with 69% percent of users saying they use it, followed by Instagram which 40% of users say they use.


And here's the most popular social networks, arranged by percentage of US adults who use them:

  • YouTube (81%)
  • Facebook (69%)
  • Instagram (40%)
  • Pinterest (31%)
  • LinkedIn (28%)
  • Snapchat (25%)
  • Twitter (23%)
  • WhatsApp (23%)
  • TikTok (21%)
  • Reddit (18%)
  • Nextdoor (13%)

Pew Research Center declares that social media use has remained flat over the last years, except YouTube and Reddit.

“YouTube and Reddit were the only two platforms measured that saw statistically significant growth since 2019,” the reports stated.

“YouTube is the most commonly used online platform asked about in this survey, and there’s evidence that its reach is growing. Fully 81% of Americans say they ever use the video-sharing site, up from 73% in 2019. Reddit was the only other platform polled about that experienced statistically significant growth during this time period – increasing from 11% in 2019 to 18% today.”


The report includes insights of social media use in 2021, with demographics for each platform.

This article contains highlights from the report, with all statistics.

And now let’s start by taking a look on YouTube.

Statistics of using YouTube:

  • 95% of US adults ages 18 to 29 use YouTube.
  • 91% of US adults ages 30 to 49 use YouTube.
  • 49% of US adults ages 65 and older use YouTube.
  • 54% of YouTube users visit the site daily.
  • 36% of YouTube users visit the site several times a day.

Statistics of using Facebook:

  • 70% of US adults ages 18 to 29 use Facebook.
  • 77% of US adults ages 30 to 49 use Facebook.
  • 73% of US adults ages 50 to 64 use Facebook.
  • 50% of US adults ages 65 and older use Facebook.
  • 70% of Facebook users visit the site daily.
  • 49% of Facebook users visit the site several times a day.


Statistics of using Instagram:

  • 71% of US adults ages 19 to 29 use Instagram.
  • 52% of Hispanic Americans use Instagram.
  • 49% of Black Americans use Instagram.
  • 35% of White Americans use Instagram.
  • 59% of all Instagram users visit the site daily.
  • 73% of 18- to 29-year-old Instagram users visit the site every day.
  • 53% of 18- to 29-year-old Instagram users visit the site several times a day.


More Statistics about usage:

  • 46% of Twitter users visit the site every day.

  • 65% of 18:29 years old say use Snapchat.

  • 2% of adults ages 65 and older use Snapchat.

  • 50% of 18:29 years old use TikTok.

  • Users of higher levels of education use LinkedIn more than those with lower levels of education.

  • 51% of US adults with a bachelor’s or advanced degree use LinkedIn.

  • 28% of US adults with college experience use LinkedIn.

  • 10% of US adults with a high school diploma or less used LinkedIn.

  • 46% of women are interested in using Pinterest, compared to 16% of men.

  • Adults living in urban (17%) or suburban (14%) areas are more likely to use Nextdoor.

  • 2% of rural Americans use Next-door.

These findings come from a nationally survey of 1,502 U.S. adults conducted via telephone on Jan. 25-Feb.8, 2021.


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Source Search Engine Journal