
Facebook offers an update which helps users to control the website with changes to comments and news feeds.

This update allow users to:

  • Control comments on their posts.
  • See more relevant content in their news feed.
  • Know more about why recommended posts appear in their news feed more than others.



Now let’s take a look on these features and how to use them:

Control Comments on Posts

Facebook users now will have the ability of controlling and restricting comments on their public posts, this can be done on an account or individual posts.


This selection and choosing who is allowed to comment on posts, can be done according to the following options:

  • Public (anyone).
  • Friends.
  • People or Pages mentioned in the post.

“By adjusting your commenting audience, you can further control how you want to invite conversation onto your public posts and limit potentially unwanted interactions. And if you’re a public figure, creator or brand, you too can choose to limit your commenting audience on your public posts to help you feel safe and engage in more meaningful conversations with your community.”



Users control comments on their public posts by activating the steps below:

  • Go to the public post on your profile to change who can comment.
  • Click on the three-dot menu icon, you will find in the top right of the post.
  • choose Who can comment on your post?
  • choose who will have the ability to comment on your public post from audiences we’ve mentioned in the above points.

If a person or page who doesn’t belong to your selected comment audience views your post, they won't see the comment button below the post.

News Feed 


Facebook shows care towards existing news feed to help users have greater control on what they see during opening the app or website.

The Feed Filter Bar, helps users to reach fast access to the ‘Favorites’ and ‘Most Recent’ filters.



Favorites is a tool which allows users to choose content from more than 30 prefered profiles and pages.


Posts coming from those accounts will show higher presence in the algorithmic news feed, and can be viewed after applying the filter.

To manage and control Favorites:

  • Click the down arrow icon, you’ll find in the top right of Facebook.
  • choose Settings & Privacy.
  • choose News Feed Preferences.
  • choose Manage Favorites.
  • Select Favorites by choosing the star icon which is next to a person or Page.

Users can't add groups to their Favorites, only people and Pages.

Recent Filters

Through recent filters Facebook,  users can switch to a reverse chronological news feed.

Android app users will access the Feed Filter Bar when they scroll up on News Feed and this will be available in the upcoming weeks.

More information about News Feed 

Facebook offers “Why am I seeing this?” feature, which provides more information about suggested content in users’ news feeds.

This feature was available for content from pages and groups that a user doesn’t follow, but now it's available for content from friends, pages, and groups that a user follows.


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Source Search Engine Journal