
LinkedIn introduces new ways for users to cover career gaps on their profiles


LinkedIn users point to life events such as a parental leave or sabbatical which covers gaps in employment history with profile options, and now it becomes easier for freelancers and self-employed ones to list their career status on their profile.

Those updates represent a continuation of LinkedIn’s recent efforts to improve users' profiles, the company also shows it’s intention about the upcoming updates which will be rolled out over the next few months.

Let's take a look now at the latest updates to LinkedIn user profiles;

New Career Gaps Job Titles 

LinkedIn offers users adding new types of job titles to their profile to cover gaps in traditional career types.

The new job titles allow full-time parents and caretakers to manage their roles, using titles like “stay-at-home mom,” “stay-at-home dad” and “stay-at-home parent”.

LinkedIn will add a new field in user profiles for employment gaps, with options like “parental leave,” “family care” or “sabbatical.”

LinkedIn declares the reason for adding these options to the user profile doesn't relate to any stigma associated with career gaps, and related to how the pandemic forced millions to hold their work to take care for their children.

LinkedIn shows data which finds women’s jobs were affected by the pandemic more than men:


“More than 2.5 million women left the workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic, many voluntarily, due to a sudden lack of childcare or to manage virtual learning for their children…

We’ve heard from our members, particularly women and mothers who have temporarily stopped working, that they need more ways to reflect career gaps on their Profile due to parenting and other life responsibilities.”

“The stigma of employment gaps is already starting to fade. While 72% of job seekers believe there’s a stigma associated with having a career gap, 79% of hiring managers today would hire a candidate with a career gap on their resume.”

Some people think employers are more empathetic to career gaps now than any time in the recent past, putting into consideration the volatility of the global job market since the pandemic started.

Overall, candidates now can manage career gaps on their LinkedIn profile before hiring managers even need to ask about it.



New updates for Self-Employed/Freelancers

Self-employed or freelancers can now list those jobs on their LinkedIn profile without having to specify any employer.

It wasn't easy for LinkedIn users to put on their profile that they work as freelancers, as every job title on a user’s profile should have the name of an employer attached to it.

No doubt that all of this occured due to the pandemic, which has led many people to go through self employment or freelance work.

More changes to LinkedIn user profiles will come in the upcoming months.

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Source Search Engine Journal